Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Driving is one of the most dangerous things that we do regularly. Statistically it is more dangerous than flying a plane, riding a quad bike and walking through a rough neighborhood at night. The problem with driving is that it is a complicated activity which is hard in itself, but when you add factors such as driver distractions, road conditions and other road users it becomes exponentially more hazardous. To help you focus better here are the most important things to look out for.

Cyclists - The problem with cyclists is that they have a right to be on the road as well. They go a lot slower than every other vehicle on the road and can be extremely unpredictable. While there are laws to stop cyclists from cycling without lights at night, with a mechanically unsound bike and from cycling while intoxicated, these are often not enforced. This makes not only these inconsiderate cyclists a danger to traffic and themselves, but even perfectly sober seasoned cyclists can make sudden decisions which cause an unexpected unpredictable hazard.

Solution: Give them a wide berth at all times.

Mobile Phones - Even hands free phones are a major distraction to drivers. Having a conversation no matter how mundane takes up part of your brain's attention meaning that you don't have your full concentration at hand in case something unexpected occurs. Of course it is illegal to use a phone while driving, it is however, not illegal to use a hands free kit. Also, as phones get more and more complicated and have internet access etc, it is more tempting than ever to take the risk of using it while driving.

Solution: Leave it in your pocket. Stop the car if you have to take a call. No call is worth more than your, or someone else's, life.

The Dark - The majority of accidents happen during the hours of darkness. Not only is it harder for you to see everything that is going on outside of your vehicle, it is also harder for people to see you. You are more likely to come across intoxicated drivers, cyclists and pedestrians at night also. Despite all cars having to have lights by law, and roads being increasingly well kept and lit, no matter what happens, it will always be dangerous to drive at night.

Solution: While there is no solution aside from not driving at night, one law in the US could help. In some states driving law states that when you pass your driving test you have to wait a significant period of time before you can drive at night. This may save a few lives if enforced everywhere.

Sometimes getting someone else to do the driving when you are tired or preoccupied can be the best choice. For example, if you are on holiday in Belfast then using one of the many Belfast cabs would be a good way to get around, plus you can have a drink with your dinner! No doubt Belfast taxi firms will know the road system a lot better as well, a bit of local knowledge can avoid the stresses of travelling round an unfamiliar city.